Every spring, the notorious Chandler High School Theatre Department hosts a musical for all of Chandler to view. This year, they took on the task of bringing Footloose to life for our wonderful student body and the people of our city.
With a unique and wide variety of promotional content spread around our campus, Footloose was much anticipated among our student body. For example, the cast dedicated a day to filming a promotional video to show the student body what Footloose had in store for them, with songs and dance performed by the entire cast and led by stars Charlie Hall (“Ren”) and Abby Groves (“Ariel”).
In addition to the wonderful anticipation they created, the show itself was a dazzling spectacle, and this year’s pinnacle of performance. All songs and dances were performed splendidly, after the months of practice given by the Chandler High School Theatre Department. The cast was also filled with rising stars, and much like the preceding musicals held in years prior, Footloose was an astonishing and memorable musical for all viewers, performers, and crew members alike.